Intimate conversation on her 20-year anxiety battles from Kendall Jenner

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Intimate conversation on her 20-year anxiety battles from Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner has recently opened up about her struggles with 20 years of anxiety. In a new interview with Vogue, the supermodel said, “I’m a negative thinker.” Reflecting on her mental health, Kendall told the outlet, “That’s my problem. I’m always worrying about something that may never happen.” “I don’t see why I shouldn’t be honest about it,” remarked the 28-year-old. Kendall explained, “In my career right now I feel really stable, really hopeful. But I’ve had a tough two months.” “I haven’t been myself, and my friends see it. I’m more sad than usual. I’m way more anxious than usual,” continued the reality star. Kendall pointed out, “So I’m not going to sit here and act like everything’s perfect. That’s life — I’m always going to be in and out of those feelings.” “In past interviews, when someone’s asked me about my mental state, it’s always been, ‘I’m great right now, but this is what I’ve dealt with.’ Well, right now I’m actually in it,” she stated. Kendall, who was suffering from anxiety at aged seven, recalled having panic attacks and seeking help from her mother Kris Jenner but doctors said she was fine. “I was an emotional kid, always in my feelings and my head. I freaked myself out a bit,” she told the outlet. The Kardashians star noted, “This is one of those times when I feel I’m actively not protecting myself or actively doing things that I know are hurting me.” “That’s such an important part of my wellness: recognising those moments and saying, Stop! It’s not one-size-fits-all, but for me, getting out of bed in the morning and putting one foot in front of the other is so helpful for me. Moving, getting my blood flowing,” pointed out the model. At present, Kendall has been trying to get into activities that make her feel happy and relaxed. “Whenever I go horse riding, of course it’s a great excuse to get outside and not be on my phone and forget about work and fully put my brain and my energy into how I’m going to get my horse over these obstacles,” she further said. Kendall added, “Now I’m an adult and it’s all my choice and I can do all this for myself. It’s like soul food for me.”

Kendall Jenner's candid discussion about her two-decade-long battle with anxiety sheds light on the reality that even those in the spotlight can struggle with mental health issues. Her openness about her negative thought patterns and the impact they have on her daily life is commendable and relatable for many who may be facing similar challenges.

It's significant that Kendall emphasizes the importance of honesty regarding mental health struggles, especially in an industry that often puts pressure on individuals to present a flawless facade. By acknowledging her current difficulties rather than just past ones, she's breaking down barriers and encouraging others to do the same.

Her reflection on seeking help as a child and the importance of recognizing moments when she's not taking care of herself highlights the ongoing journey of managing mental health. Kendall's coping mechanisms, such as engaging in activities like horse riding, illustrate the importance of finding outlets for stress relief and self-care.

Overall, Kendall's willingness to share her experiences with anxiety contributes to a larger conversation about mental health awareness and the importance of self-compassion and seeking support when needed.


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